We are the pivotal stepping stone, bridging the gap from hobbyist to seasoned professional.

At SIA we are dedicated to elevating standards and reshaping the future of the entertainment industry,
ensuring every professional receives the respect and recognition they deserve.


Welcome to Stars in Action (SIA), a pioneering corporation aiming to revolutionize the entertainment world as we know it!

Have you ever wondered why so many gifted professionals, passionate about the arts, find themselves chasing shadows, compromising dreams, or changing careers? At SIA, that's the precise issue we aim to change.

Our mission is simple yet profound: Transforming the Entertainment Industry.

No more tales of musicians turned bankers, screenwriters turned salespeople, or actors shifting cities. At SIA, your passion doesn't remain a side-hustle, it becomes the main event.

Talent Development

Description: SIA offers training programs and workshops to hone members' skills to industry standards.

Why It Matters: Continuous learning ensures our members excel in a dynamic entertainment landscape.

Community Collaboration

Description: SIA fosters a space where members can network, share ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Why It Matters: Collaboration amplifies innovation, opportunity, and the quality of outputs.

Production Excellence

SIA delivers unique and powerful productions to business clients, harnessing the creativity and passion of our member pool.

Why It Matters: Our high-quality productions, powered by dreamers, redefine the industry standard and captivate audiences.

Securing Funding

Description: SIA actively sources sponsorships and investments for large-scale productions.

Why It Matters: Adequate funding ensures quality productions and professional growth for our members.

Distribution & Exposure

We actively collaborate with distribution platforms, maximizing the potential for our members' productions to be seen and shared.

Why It Matters: Ensuring content reaches audiences enhances its impact, amplifies our creators' voices,

Awards & Rewards

Description: Recognizing excellence, we celebrate our members' achievements, offering both tangible rewards and industry recognition.

Why It Matters: Acknowledgement fuels motivation, fosters growth, and propels careers forward in the entertainment sector.

Our Founder

Raiza Rangl concieved, founded, and built Stars In Action in order to provide exactly the services she herself wanted but for which she found no supplier: mentoring, teaching, and hands-on-practice of the skills and knowledge needed by the Film and Music industry.

To find out more, visit Raiza's web page.


Contact [email protected] if you are interested in becoming a sponsor. Or, contact us here!




© Copyright 2025. Raiza Rangl (Stars in Action). All Rights Reserved.